PT Arkana Solusi Digital

Jalan Ampera Raya No 50A
    Ragunan, Pasar Minggu
    Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12540


Artolite Indah Mediatama, PT
Artolite adalah merek terpercaya untuk armatur lampu (luminaire) di Indonesia dan menjadi pilihan di banyak proyek pembangunan gedung perkantoran di seluruh Indonesia.
Pengalaman kami di industri pencahayaan selama lebih dari 35 tahun memberikan jaminan pelayanan yang berkualitas bagi para pelanggan dan akan senantiasa terus dikembangkan untuk kepuasan para pelanggan.

Artolite memiliki pabrik sendiri di kawasan Cimanggis, Bogor, Jawa Barat sehingga kepastian suplai produk dapat senantiasa terpenuhi dengan cepat. Jaringan distribusi produk Artolite didukung oleh showroom mandiri di berbagai kota-kota besar di Indonesia guna memastikan para pelanggan dapat menjangkau aneka produk Artolite dengan lebih mudah karena berada di setiap kota.
Bukitapit Bumi Persada , PT
PT. Bukit Apit Bumi Persada (BBP) has established its name as a premier player in oil and gas industries in Indonesia. BBP are one hundred percent locally owned company and utilized mostly local resources when doing our job. BBP currently serves not only local oil company (Pertamina etc.) but also have completed several projects with International oil companies such as Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, etc. BBP is one of the first local company that were able to compete with other internationally established well service companies

BBP has expanded its portfolio beyond well services to partner up with State owned oil company Pertamina to operate an oil field in Sumatera. Known as TAC (Technical Assistance Contract) consortium, it allows BBP to individually manage a block of oil wells and helps Pertamina increase its current production. Other areas that BBP is currently developing is the 2D and 3D seismic and the development of Drilling Chemicals
BUT Petrogas (Basin) Ltd
RH Petrogas Limited ("RHP") is an independent upstream oil and gas company headquartered in Singapore and listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Stock Exchange. RHP and its subsidiaries (the "Group") operate across the full range of upstream activities covering the exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources. Geographically, the Group is focused in the Asia region.

Arkana implemented Payroll and HRIS modules and continuously support the system.
Catur Adhi Manunggal, PT
PT. CATUR ADHI MANUNGGAL adalah sebuah Perusahaan distributor dan retail yang berhubungan dengan perairan pipa PVC, dan masih banyak lagi yang dulunya berawal dari sebuah toko kecil yang terletak disekitar jalan Kartini Semarang, yang dikelola oleh Bapak dan Ibu Tan.

Arkana menginplementasikan sistem ERP mulai dari procure to pay, sales to cash, accounting, dan inventory.
CV Prima Utama
Pennyu Group is a group of companies focusing in Construction, Energy, Power Tools, Equipments, Generators, Biotech, and various Living Support Needs. It has distribution centers in Central Java (Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, Tegal) and East Java (Madiun, Kediri, Malang, Jember, Sidoarjo, Tuban).
Delameta Bilano, PT
Delameta Bilano is a National Company that experienced as a Producer of control system technology in transportation payment in Indonesia for 29 years.

Along with the availability of vast business and exciting challenges in Indonesia as well as to local entrepreneurs to participate, PT. Delameta Bilano established on the date May 28, 1990 that based in Jl. Jend Ahamd Yani No.2, East Jakarta, as a national private company engaged in the field of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Micro Control Systems, Communications & Electronics and Trade.

PT. Delameta Bilano comply with the various national regulation, and also certified with international standard of ISO 9001 : 2015 and OHSAS 18001 : 2007. We also follow the compliance of Audited Financial Report and Audited IT System Security.

In accordance with BI (Bank Indonesia), Delameta Bilano has come into the possession of payment gateway permission to maintain and support each and every transaction within transportation sector.
Demix Sarana Industri Indonesia, PT
PT Demix Sarana Industri Indonesia yang berdiri sejak tahun 2015 merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri bahan bangunan dimana pengembangnya telah memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dalam industri mortar instan.
Derma Konsep Estetika, PT
PT Derma Konsep Estetika adalah Perusahaan bergerak dibidang kosmetika dengan mengedepankan kualitas dari produk yang dihasilkan.

PT Derma Konsep Estetika selalu berusaha keras untuk mencapai keunggulan industri dan operasional. Kualitas adalah pusat dari semua yang dilakukan. Tujuannya adalah untuk selalu menyediakan produk kosmetik yang sesuai dengan standar kualitas tertinggi untuk para customernya.
EP-TEC Solution Indonesia, PT
Established in 2005, EP-TEC Solutions Indonesia is a value-added distributor of a high-end technology equipment that focus on collaboration products for both the enterprise and education market.
GFK Retail and Technology Indonesia, PT
GfK has been a global leader in data and analytics, providing consumer and market insights for over 85 years. The company leads with innovation – highly experienced engineers, consultants and data scientists have continuously pushed industry boundaries with new methodologies and measurement technologies, to help their clients succeed.
Global Enterprise, PT
PT Global enterprise is a company engaged in retail fashion. Since open, we have been dedicated to being the #1 fashion and lifestyle destination in our markets and over the years, Powered by our best-in-class operational infrastructure, which is fashion-specific and tailored to local market needs, we are focused on creating inspiring and seamless customer experiences – from discovery to delivery.
Global Tiket Network, PT adalah sebuah situs web untuk melayani pemesanan tiket pesawat dan kereta api. merupakan salah satu rekan bisnis Kereta Api Indonesia di Indonesia.[3] juga bekerjasama dengan berbagai maskapai di Indonesia untuk memudahkan orang untuk pemesanan tiket pesawat melalui internet.
Hendra Fadli/Yauw Lidia
UD Maju Bersama yang berdiri sejak tahun 1985 merupakan distributor resmi makanan beku dengan brand seperti Bernardi, Indoeskrim, Kentang Frozen Land dan juga Bart adapula produk tambahan seperti ikan dori dan ada pula aneka buah beku.
Hospi Niaga Utama, PT
PT Hospi Niaga Utama was established in 2011. The company is engaged in the healthcare product distributor. We implemented full ERP modules including Accounting, Sales, Purchase, CRM, Invoicing, Project, Inventory, Manufacturing.
Inconis Nusa Jaya, PT
Inconis is leading Oil & Gas Service company in Indonesia, We provide safe and reliable range of manpower services for your company.

Inconis is experienced in providing support for Drilling and Workover personnel for all positions ranging from floor man to Site Manager for technical persons. For non technical persons, we have numbers of support system drilling and workover experts. All personnel who work for this activity have gone through a large amount of experience and certification.
Indofresh, PT
PT Indofresh has a long history, in early 1970’s started as small size trading company that supplies fresh fruits to cater towards the client’s needs all around Indonesia. PT Indofresh has grown to become one of the leading and established fresh fruit importer and distributor in Indonesia. With our own sophisticated logistic system and infrastructure, we are confident to say that our company is well known for our effectiveness and efficiency toward distributing our supplies nationwide, strict quality control, flawless management, and consistent supply. In-house fleets of trucks and sea transports enable on time delivery are the main key traits that PT Indofresh promised towards our client.
Indopasifik Teknologi Medika Indonesia, PT
Indopasifik Teknologi Medika Indonesia (ITMI) is a health technology company that is trying to revolutionize the health industry by reaching customers through digital products. One of ITMI's products is Jovee, which is a personal health assistant application for its users by analyzing the condition and lifestyle of its users.
Indosat Tbk, PT
PT Indosat Tbk, doing business as Indosat Ooredoo since 2015 due to Ooredoo's majority stake, is a telecommunications provider in Indonesia. The company offers wireless services for mobile phones, and to a lesser extent, broadband internet lines for homes. Indosat also provides other services such as IDD, fixed telecommunications, and multimedia.

Arkana developed e-RUPS system to support share holder online meeting due to pandemic situation. The development process went through tight schedule since the project timeline is only 2 weeks.
Jakarta Allum Foil
Jakarta Allum Foil (JAF) engaged in supply of insulation materials (Insulation Material Supplier) located in Jakarta, Indonesia. JAF give the best all in one insulation shopping experience for our customers since we are providing vast lines of insulation product for any needs with best price and quality assurances. Customers satisfactions are our goals which make us stronger. Flexibility & simplicity shopping experiences are the way to achieve our goals. Our Motto is "We Built Product To Help Each Other".
Kampung Kearifan Indonesia, PT
Inspired by indigenous farmers and food artisans striving to preserve Indonesia’s food biodiversity, indigenous wisdom and spiritualism, JAVARA was founded in 2008. Javara works across agricultural value chains from production to distribution in order to preserve Indonesia’s biodiversity and bring community-based, organic products to broader markets. To date, Javara has created over 600 artisanal products and works with over 50,000 smallholder farmers across Indonesia.
KBRI Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Inquire.ID is an online matchmaking platform provided by Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia Kuala Lumpur. The website connects Malaysian with thousands of Indonesian products suppliers. This includes investment projects offered by both government and private sectors in Indonesia. Please visit
Manggala Megah Indonesia, PT
PT Manggala Megah Indonesia is a manufacturing company that manufactures antiseptic and disinfectant products for health. Our commitment is to maintain quality without compromise.
Mitra Utama Madani, PT
PT Mitra Utama Madani is founded by Koperasi Karyawan Madani to fulfill human resources demand of PNM Group. We implemented some module to enhance it main business process including Online Recruitment system, Payroll for outsourced employee, and Project Management. In this project, we integrated the Project Management module with Whatsapp thus the notification can be retrieved on mobile via Whatsapp.
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
The DKI Regional Government E-procurement System is appropriate with statutory regulations applies, covering the procurement system through (E-Order, E-Auction, E-Catalog, Forum, Web, and procurement dashboard)
Persada Medika Raya, PT
Persada Hospital is a hospital located in a strategic area in Malang City, located on Jalan Panji Suroso, Purwodadi Village, Blimbing District, Malang City and 10 minutes from Abd Rahman Saleh Airport and 1 minute from Malang Arjosari Terminal.

Persada Hospital offers a health service concept with exclusive image comfort, friendly staff both medical and non-medical (human touch) in providing maximum service to customers and support for a comfortable and modern room concept.
The Indonesia Logistics Bureau is a government-owned company in Indonesia that deals with food distribution and price control with >4000 employees.
Restauran Gurih 7
CV. Berkah Alfani memiliki dua lini bisnis. Pertama adalah Gurih 7 Bogor, restoran yang menyajikan kuliner khas sunda dengan nuansa alam pedesaan. Kedua adalah Rumah Talas Bogor, toko pastry yang menyajikan kue berbahan dasar talas serta oleh-oleh khas Bogor.
Solusi Sarana Sehat, PT adalah website apotek online penyedia obat-obatan baik ethical maupun OTC, produk perawatan kesehatan dan produk kecantikan. Tujuan Farmaku adalah memberikan kemudahan bagi pelanggan untuk mendapatkan produk kualitas dengan harga bersaing serta kenyamanan dalam pengiriman langsung ke rumah pelanggan.
Surganya Motor Indonesia, PT
Planet ban bergerak di bidang suku cadang motor (roda dua) dengan produk ban sebagai produk utama, Super Planet ban memiliki visi untuk memberikan pengalaman berbelanja yang berbeda untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan.

Planet Ban didirikan pada tahun 2011 dengan outlet pertama di Harapan Indah Bekasi. Hingga saat ini telah tersedia 900 outlet Planet Ban di seluruh Indonesia. Planet Ban menyediakan berbagai macam ban motor mulai dari ban biasa, ban tubless, ban lebar, hingga ban high performance dari berbagai merk terkenal baik lokal maupun import untuk motor dengan kapasitas mesin hingga 250cc.
Toyota Tsusho Systems Indonesia, PT
Toyota Tsusho Systems (TTS) is established after being spun off from Toyotsu Syscom Corporation. The automobile industry is experiencing a once-in-a-million revolution, and the Toyota Group is undertaking large-scale structural reforms in response. Our company was created to keep pace with the rapidly evolving times.

Toyota Tsusho Systems conducts operations around the world, and has locations not just in Japan, but also in Singapore, Thailand, China, India,Indonesia, the US, Germany, Belgium, and the UK. Toyota Tsusho Systems is a trading company that develops IT solutions wherever global businesses operate.
Transportasi Jakarta, PT
TransJakarta is a mass transportation service provider that implements the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) transportation system in Southeast and South Asia, which has been operating since 2004 in Jakarta, Indonesia. TransJakarta is designed as a mass transportation mode supporting capital activities which is very dense. With the longest path in the world (251.2 km), and has 260 stops spread over 13 corridors.